Maharashtra among states with most comprehensive EV policies in India: Study

Maharashtra has one of the most comprehensive Electric Vehicle (EV) policies in India, according to a study conducted by Climate Trends. The study analyzed EV policies in various states based on parameters such as targets, incentives, fleet electrification, charging infrastructure mandates, and job creation. Out of the 36 states and Union Territories in the country, 26 have released EV policies in the past 5 years, with 16 of them being released between 2020 and 2022.

The study found that Maharashtra is among the top five states with the most comprehensive policy designs, covering 15 out of the 21 assessed parameters. It is also among the nine states with the strongest incentives, seven states with defined targets for fleet electrification, and ten states that mandate the creation of charging points in new residential complexes, offices, malls, and other constructions.

The report also evaluated the progress of EV policies in eight states that have been active for two years or more. It highlighted that none of these states are on track to meet their targets for EV penetration, charging infrastructure, or investments. However, Maharashtra performed relatively better compared to the other states.

Aarti Khosla, director of Climate Trends, emphasized the importance of effective design and implementation of EV policies for a successful transition to zero-emission transport. The study revealed gaps in implementation, resulting in slower on-ground impact, and called for better regulation, improved monitoring, and capacity building of stakeholders throughout the policy value chain.

Maharashtra has specific targets for the electrification of various fleets, including last-mile delivery vehicles, aggregator cabs, and government vehicles. The state has also mandated the creation of charging infrastructure in new residential buildings, offices, parking lots, malls, and other developments.

In Mumbai, the Bombay Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) has plans to introduce 10,000 e-buses by 2026. State transport statistics show a significant increase in the number of e-cars (168%) and e-two wheelers (253%) in the city over the past year alone.

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